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===Stubbing Variations===
===Stubbing Variations===
* Argument Matchers
* Argument Matchers
A Spy is a Stub than is also collecting informations during the test
** How many times this method is called ?
** Is this method is called at least once ?
Fullclass with implementation, same comportement as in real code.
Fullclass with implementation, same comportement as in real code.

Revision as of 17:12, 25 September 2020

Before & After

@Before @After

The method with this annotation is executed before or after every test method

@BeforeClass @AfterClass

The method with this annotation is executed before or after every test class

Parametrize Test

  • On top of the test class @RunWith(Parameterized.class)
  • method annotated with @Parameter is passing Arrays.asList()


Mocks vs Stubs = Behavioral testing vs State testing


Empty class, only return the expected

  • cannot be dinamically created from code

<source lang="Java"> MyMockedService myMockedService = new MyMockedService(); stub(myMockedService.methodToTest("param")).return("value"); </source>

Test lifecycle with stubs:

  • Setup - Prepare object that is being tested and its stubs collaborators.
  • Exercise - Test the functionality.
  • Verify state - Use asserts to check object's state.
  • Teardown - Clean up resources.

Stubbing Variations

  • Argument Matchers


A Spy is a Stub than is also collecting informations during the test

    • How many times this method is called ?
    • Is this method is called at least once ?


Fullclass with implementation, same comportement as in real code.

  • Creating Objects that simulate the behavior of real objects
  • can be dynamically created from code - at runtime
  • offer more fonctionnalities than stubbing
    • How many times this method is called ?
    • Is this method is called at least once ?

<source lang="Java"> MyMockedService myMockedService = mock(MyMockService.class); when(myMockedService.methodToTest("param")).thenReturn("value"); </source>

Test lifecycle with mocks

  • Setup data - Prepare object that is being tested.
  • Setup expectations - Prepare expectations in mock that is being used by primary object.
  • Exercise - Test the functionality.
  • Verify expectations - Verify that correct methods has been invoked in mock.
  • Verify state - Use asserts to check object's state.
  • Teardown - Clean up resources.