Pre-Employment tests

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Personality Test

  • L'extraversion,
  • La conscience professionnelle,
  • La stabilité émotionnelle,
  • L'ouverture d'esprit,
  • La convivialité.


Ce test permet de positionner le candidat sur quatre échelles bipolaires, codifiées chacune par une lettre :

  • Orientation de l'énergie : E extraversion - I introversion
  • Recueil d'information : S sensation - N intuition
  • Critère de prise de décision : T pensée logique - F sentiments
  • Mode d'action : J jugement - P perception

Cognitive Tests

  • TELUQ - English, French, Mathematics

Emotional Intelligence

Logical Reasoning Test

English Proficiency Tests


Irregular Verbs

wikipedia:en: English_irregular_verbs

Sample Job Task Tests

Background Checks and Credit Checks

  • Police Check
  • Biometric datas

Standard Traps (in Java)

   public class EqualityTest{
       * In Java, string equals() method compares the two given strings
       * based on the data/content of the string
       public static void main(String []args){
          System.out.println("########## Testing Strings ##########");
          System.out.println("########## Testing Numbers ##########");
       public static void testStrings(){
           String a = "test";
           String b = "test";
           String c = "TEST";
           String objA = new String("test");
           String objB = new String("test");
           System.out.println("#### - A - ####");
           System.out.println(a==b);               //true
           System.out.println(objA==objB);         //false
           System.out.println(a==objA);            //false
           System.out.println(a.hashCode());       //3556498
           System.out.println("#### - B - ####");
           System.out.println(a.equals(b));        //true
           System.out.println(objA.equals(objB));  //true
           System.out.println(a.equals(objA));     //true
           System.out.println(b.hashCode());       //3556498
           System.out.println("#### - C - ####");
           System.out.println(a==c);               //false
           System.out.println(c.hashCode());       //2571410
       public static void testNumbers(){
          int one = 1;
          int two = 1;
          int objOne = new Integer(1);
          int objTwo = new Integer(1);
          System.out.println(one==two);           //true
          System.out.println(objOne==objTwo);     //true
          System.out.println(one==objOne);        //true
          // error: int cannot be dereferenced

Java: Inheritance Test

Invalid Code

   /** Exec : */
   public class A{
        * error: incompatible types: A cannot be converted to B
        public static void main(String []args){
            B b = new A();
   class B extends A{}

Valid Code

    * Exec:
    * This sample is compiling, OK
   public class A{ 
        * In this case, "main" method is required here, if not it is generating the following error:
        * Error: Main method not found in class A, please define the main method as
        public static void main(String []args){ }
   class B extends A{
        public static void main(String []args){
            A a = new B();

SQL: Tests with Null

   /** Exec: */
   create table sample(id int not null, name varchar);
   insert into sample values(0, "Clark");
   insert into sample values(1, "Lois");
   insert into sample values(2, "");
   insert into sample values(3, "Bruce");
   insert into sample values(4, NULL);
   insert into sample values(5, "Tony");
   insert into sample values(6, "Howlett");
   insert into sample values(7, "Peter");
   select * from sample where name is null;    /* 2 Lines returned - id 2 and 4 */
   select * from sample where name = "";       /* 1 Line returned  - id 2 */
   select * from sample where name = null;     /* 0 Lines returned */