Interview for a position

From My Limbic Wiki

Frequently Asqued Questions

What about you ?



  • Major of my romotion 3 years in a row.
  • Master Thesis Mark: 16.45
  • Robotic laboratory & Competition: Winner Arduino category



  • Monitoring Company
    • Network + Videos + design in magazines
  • Interbat Services
    • What is a private framwork + improvment
  • Thales Underwater System (SAS)

Salary Expectations

  • 80 000$CAD to 120 000 $CAD
  • 80k for a beginner salary, to 120k for advanced, experienced position

Strenghts and weakness


  • Polyvalent - Open minded
  • Independant - Able to weight the pros and cons to take a decision when it is needed
  • Relational - TeamWork


  • Curious - like to understand how is it working around me, asking a lot of questions
  • Perfectionist - like to finish completely something before to move out
  • Thoughtful - can spend some overtime to think about something to be 100% sure to do not do a mistake

How to describe your rofile in one word

  • Determined

Previous position

Can you describe the last project you were working on, in your previous position

  • Sonar Support Data Package Maker: web application based on PHP5 allowing Thales teams to use a designed business oriented interface to :
    • in a first time to filter through complex algorithm hundreds of thousands thales systems documentation - some with sensible datas
    • in a second time, arrange them in an organized, responsive, lightweith interface transportable offline as a computer folder readable with any exploitation system like linux or windows OS but also Android tablets.
  • The final clients who buy theses generated packages are french and foreign armys who needs to exploit in an easier way the Thales Underwater Systems documentations

What was you role ?

i had several evolving over the years

  • Improve the few existing fonctionnalities
  • Refactor - from scratch - the application: procedural to object oriented and MVC pattern code.
  • Develop hundreds of new features
  • Solve network and functional issues by being proactive
  • Be proactive
  • Lead weekly meetings
  • Train new developers to the business oriented framework
  • Train final underwater crew

About the Team

can you describe it

Answer :

About the Project

Answer :

Evolution of the project


Your evolution

What did you like / dislike

  • Like
  • Dislike

Answer :

Our Company

Why do you want to work here

Why us rather than another company

What are your motivations for joining this team

  • Integrate an experienced team
  • Evolutions Possibilities
  • Famous Company
  • Prove Myself
  • ... Some knowledge about the company

Do you have any questions?

  • Can you give me more informations about the team ? the project ?
  • What about the hours ? is it flexible ?
  • What about the salary ?
  • ... Some specific question about the company


What are your professional ambitions at two or five years?

  • Earn by proving myself a project manager position
  • Bring my knowledge and skills to boost a new project as much as possible


  • What do you know about us
  • Do you know the salary of your profile ?
    • Senior
    • Beginner
    • What do you expect
  • what is the most difficult situation you have faced at work
  • What are your goals for the future
    • Where do you see yourself in 5 years
  • How do you respond to work under pressure
  • Do you have any questions for me